Now I understood why I had to learn English, without it I could not blow this English beauty. For money, of course, it's easier to negotiate.
Basar| 57 days ago
It's very comfortable.
Biinlaw| 22 days ago
A good selection of a variety of blowjobs. Sucking gently, sucking fast, sporty. Deep throat blowjob to the stub. Licking testicles and anus. Ladies love what they do and know how to do it. It's like they were born with a dick in their mouth. They probably teach professional blowjobs somewhere. I really liked the lady who used a vibrator to make her vagina squirt. It's a fantastic show.
Now I understood why I had to learn English, without it I could not blow this English beauty. For money, of course, it's easier to negotiate.
It's very comfortable.
A good selection of a variety of blowjobs. Sucking gently, sucking fast, sporty. Deep throat blowjob to the stub. Licking testicles and anus. Ladies love what they do and know how to do it. It's like they were born with a dick in their mouth. They probably teach professional blowjobs somewhere. I really liked the lady who used a vibrator to make her vagina squirt. It's a fantastic show.